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Korina Bakery trade with us on the following days:
Sat: 9:am - 4pm
We are one of the healthy bakers in Ireland. All our products are Gluten Free, Sugar Free and Dairy Free. We launched our business in December 2018 .We supply to health based Coffee shops/Cafes around Dublin and we cater for Special occasions too.
The unique story of Korina Bakery/Corina's Kitchen started almost 5 years ago with our son being diagnosed with Autism. Our journey towards healthy living started with his diagnosis. It came as a shock to us. We consulted our GP and paediatric doctors and we were told that nothing can be done to change this label as it is genetic. It was a dead end for us when he was officially diagnosed by the HSE. As parents, we did not give up. We started doing a lot of research, which our GP told us NOT TO DO, as the internet has a lot of stuffs that may not be true and not scientifically proven.
We came across Natasha McBride's Book - Guts and Psychology Syndrome. She is a nutritionist based in the UK, originally from Russia, who also has a child with Autism. We started reading her book and tried to understand what Autism means, the symptoms and what can be done to help the child food wise. This is how Natasha McBride treated her son. So, we said to ourselves: if she can do this for her own child whom she loves dearly, why can't we??? This is how our journey towards healthy eating began.
It was a very challenging phase of our lives but, since we started, we have never looked back and never gave up. We have seen the results from our own experiences with our son and we are truly delighted with the outcomes as we thought that our son was never going to communicate and interact with others and will always be in his own world without us in it. We have seen the writings: Let food be your medicine but we did not believe in it until we did it ourselves. This has changed our health for the best...NO MORE PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS FOR US.
Our ethos and mission is to spread the word. There is always HOPE as long as you BELIEVE and are willing to try. There might be more positive outcomes outside the box. The only way to find out is to try!!!!!
Corina/Anil/our Princess Jemma & our little Prince Rayan




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